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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Oracle BPM: Disaster Recovery (Using Enterprise Standalone Recovery)

The last post was about the recovery of BPM if the Enterprise server crashes and it has to be reinstalled on the same machine. The following steps can be followed to install and connect new Enterprise server with the existing database. 
  1.      In the Admin Centre of the Enterprise go to configuration (do not start it). In the Configuration option press add button. 
  2.    A new window opens up. Check the Use existing Directory Service radio button. Uncheck the Create Process Engine checkbox.
  3.  Press next. Select Use a database managed by Oracle BPM 
  4.  Press next. Enter the directory Configuration name, its description, Directory provider, BPM Admin user and pass. 
  5.  Press next. Enter the host database (IP address or its name).Port by default is 1521 for Directory provider: Oracle BPM Driver version 10, 11. Enter user, pass and SID for the username you gave to your schemas. 
  6.  This username and pass should be the BPM directory database (DIR). 
  7.  Press next. Save template. Finish 
  8.  Close the window. 
  9.  Press Start BPM WEB Application from the admin center. 
  10.  When it is started. Launch Process Administrator. Check engines, projects, OU, BAM, External Resources, Variable, and External Processes all are working fine.

Starting/Stopping Engine nodes

Process Execution Engine nodes can be started/stopped using Process Administrator.
  1. Login to Process Administrator
  2. Click Engines. The list of available Process Execution Engines appears.
  3. Select the Basic Configuration tab
  4. Click Engine Nodes.
  5. In the Engine Actions column select one of the following:
    • Click play button to start the Engine node.
    • Click stop button to stop a running Engine node.
Based on the action you selected, the Process Execution Engine node is started or stopped. If there are problems, click log icon to view the start up log.
Additionally, you can view the engine log file located at: <ORABPM_HOME>/log/<engineName> on that host's node.

Oracle BPM: Disaster Recovery (Using DATABASE)

Last Post was about back ups, now i will show you how to perform disaster recovery using it.

Recovery using Database:

Follow the following steps if you want to change the database or if the database crashes and you want to start the BPM in a different database.

1.       Make new schemas of the same names as in the previous database. From your exported database of BPM users use them to recover it in a new location

2.       Import the schema users into the new (empty) schema that has been taken as backup, using the following script
<Your Location>D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\BIN\imp userid=system/<password> file=D:\Backup\<Restore_File_Name.dmp> SHOW=n IGNORE=n CONSTRAINTS=y FROMUSER=(ENGINE,BAM,DM,DIR,ARCHIVE,EXTDB) TOUSER=( ENGINE,BAM,DIR,DM,ARCHIVE,EXTDB) log=D:\Backup\ Restore_File_Name.log

Follow the steps below:
 1.       Make sure to check the log that all the tables of all the schemas have been imported and no errors have been found. 
2.       Install the BPM Enterprise server on the machine, if it doesn’t already exist. 
3.       In the Admin Centre of the Enterprise go to configuration (do not start it). In the Configuration option press add button. 
4.       A new window opens up. Check the Use existing Directory Service radio button. Uncheck the Create Process Engine checkbox. 

5.       Press next. Select Use a database managed by Oracle BPM 

6.       Press next. Enter the directory Configuration name, its description, Directory provider, BPM Admin user and pass. 

7.       Press next. Enter the host database (IP address or its name).Port by default is 1521 for Directory provider: Oracle BPM Driver version 10,11. Enter user, pass and SID for the username you gave to your schemas. 

8.       This username and pass should be the BPM directory database (DIR). 
9.       Press next. Save template. Finish 
10.   Close the window. 
11.   Press Start BPM WEB Application from the admin center. 
12.   When it is started. Launch Process Administrator. Check engines, projects, OU, BAM, External Resources, Variable, and External Processes all are working fine. 
13.   Launch Workspace in the Admin center. If it does not open then go to Process Administrator -> Engines-> Select your Engine -> networking tab -> Workspace URL. Change this workspace URL to the current machine or the URL that is required.
14.  Change the logs locations as required

Oracle BPM Backups: Databases and Files

I found that the most important topic for the BPM developers, Architects and DBAs is Disaster Recovery specially in production environments. Many of the BPM projects are tracking and live systems which are updated round the clock. So it becomes a headache if the system crashes or is unavailable to the users. This post will show how to avoid the problem and then use the data from the database and move it to a new location is the application server crashes booth in the case of weblogic server or standalone.

Before starting disaster recovery we should have the backup of the following databases and

Few of the ways are given in the link below by oracle administration guide:

Take the back up of the following files whenever you make configuration changes or periodically.

Oracle BPM Files for backup

File Type Description Location
Configuration Files $INST_DIR/enterprise/conf
Non-versionable JAR Files Java libraries that are not part of a project file.
  • INSTALL_DIR/webapps/webconsole/WEB-INF/lib
  • INSTALL_DIR/webapps/portal/WEB-INF/lib
Properties Files ../
Web Applications Customized application files, including CSS files, custom JSPs, and image files.
WorkSpace Custom JSP used by WorkSpace $INST_DIR/webapps/portal/WEB-INF/
WorkSpace Administrator Workspace Administrator properties file $INST_DIR/webapps/portaladmin/WEB-INF/
Archive Viewer Property and configuration files for the Archive Viewer application.
  • $INST_DIR/webapps/archivingviewer/WEB-INF/
  • $INST_DIR/webapps/archivingviewer/WEB-INF/configDrivers.xml