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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Oracle BPM: Working with project variables

There are four types of variables used in Oracle BPM.
  1. Project Variable
  2. Instance Variable
  3. Local Varaible
  4. Predefined
Project variables are really important, they are designed at the time of project design as they have links in Engine and BAM database as well as the Datamart and Archive database. They are really important as they are used at time of reporting. Project variables have many advantages:
  • Project variables are defined at project level to integrate with all processes
  • Project variable are present inside the engine database
  • They are visible to end users on their workspace
  • Workspace and Database searches and sorting can be performed through project variables
  • Same project variables can be reused in different projects
  • They can be used as business indicators that can be used in BAM and Datamart
  • Project variable are accessible from all activities and processes
Project variable have a limit of 256 variables per project.

Below is the way we can add project variables to a project. I am using the same project used in previous posts:
Original Process

Now we go to the projects tab on the right side of the screen, if it is not visible go to window -> Show view -> Click on variables
Now Click + icon and a new window appears:

Project Variables
The basic information should be entered then select the business indicator.

Now for all the project variables add them as per your project
Added PVs
Once the PVs have been added then click on the icons on top titled "Map as Incoming Argument" and "Map as Outgoing Argument". These will make the incoming and outgoing arguments for all the Variables. Now Double Click on Begin activity you can see all the defined variables and assign them the variables as per project requirements as shown:

Begin Activity
These PVs can be defined in any Activity outgoing process as well. After argument mapping you can add or update all PVs through all the activities. In the workspace it looks like this:

Workspace Showing 3 Added PVs at end
Keep reading and you are free to request any view or comment.

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