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Monday, March 14, 2011

BPM_ Why to use it?

A little knowledge is dangerous. A simple sentence but a lot of meaning for those who have tried projects with little knowledge. Try making a sandwich, its simple right, but why do these fancy named sandwiches from the malls taste better. Driving a car is simple but why do learners get scared and hit fences(Yes, I surely did).

I am starting this blog for Business Process Management beginners who can get the knowledge about when,how,why to use BPM. What will be its benefits and problems and what can they do to fix them.

I dont want to make the blog all dull and boring with all the facts and statistics but what can I do its BPM. All businesses are boring, and most of people don't know what processes are.I have been using Oracle BPM for quite some time now and have come to the conclusion that BPM is the best way to do boring work.

The world is changing everyday, so are businesses. Softwares are being used everywhere and in anyway you can imagine. What makes BPM different from all the other softwares is the fact that it gives you dynamic-ism in your business processes. Dynamic changing business requires the softwares that adapt to these changes. I am giving a simple example of a business process, suppose you are dealing with customer complaints. You take customer complaint and pass it to a work-flow that contains an analyst, C.R officer and a manger. Your standard software works perfectly doing this role but(its a big BUT) what if your company decides to by-pass the C.R officer and your software with static work flow fails to do it. Now other companies take giant steps to build customized softwares and ERP systems where your workflow is customizable, here it is possible to make changes but whole functionality has to be changed and a lot of work has to be done to check whether this change effects other processes as well or not. Do you have this much time?. Now using BPM this change in workflow can be managed in minutes from your own IT department.

BPM displays the workflows as if you are using simple flowchart design or Visio. It makes work using variables on the back end and not a lot of coding is required. You can save time your business process can be up and running in weeks. You can change it easily and visibility is great. You can get a birds eye view of your process and see the bottlenecks from all the statistics it generates. BPM is not only driving your process but improving it constantly. Four major terminologies of BPM are:
  1. Business Process Mapping
  2. Business Process Modeling
  3. Business Process Management
  4. Business Performance Management
To be continued..........

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