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Friday, November 4, 2011

Oracle BPM: How to add external Resources (Databses) in Presentations

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!

One of the most important task of using BPM is getting data from different sources, databases and different type of webservices into your project. This is like a tutorial to importing databases into your bpm project. For this example I will be using the simple WorkFlow below:

Work Flow
In this workflow the initiator select the item to issue and Head of Department Approves it and issuer checks it. As the inventory is another system we only need to get the list of available products for approval and issuance through BPM.

First go to project Navigator and select your project. Then right click on external resources and select "new external resource". A new window opens up. Give the name of your external resource and Type as "SQL Database". Select the type of external resource you are using not necessarily SQL; it can be a SAP service, a webservice or Java service depending on your needs, just browse through the list find the appropriate. If you have select the SQL database then a new field opens up called "Supported Types". In this LOV we select the DB we are using or its driver.

Add External Resource
Add Host name or ip address of DB server. Port by default is 1521 or your customized, user or schema name, its pass and schema name. You can also check the Advanced settings. Then go to tablespaces tabs and give the name of tablespace; As shown below:

Now import the external database to your module by Catalog --> Your module, then right click your module select catalog component and select SQL or the external resource you added. Then a new window appears that shows all the SQL resources you added select it then press next. Now it will show you all the Tables present in your schema select the tables you want to import and press next.It now appears as the picture on the Left.
When this external resource is added it will appear under external resource. Now go to  Catalog --> Your module --> Your BPM Object --> Double click the attribute you want to get an LOV. Go to valid Values and select Dynamic method. Click new under "method or values....."
Dynamic LOV Attribute

Name your new method and then write the query like the one below:    Do remember to select Server Side Method to "Yes".

Query to get LOV

After the successful query Your results in the form will look like this:


If you have any query or question leave a comment and i will get back asap.

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