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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oracle BPM: Using Global Activities

Global activities are an important feature of BPM used in almost every project. Global activities can be assigned to a role that is then applied to a participant (can be end user), so eventually all participants in the role can see the global activity. Global Activities are available to the user no matter what stage or role the activity is currently at. Global Activities can be used to run applications related to the project or some statistical data analysis, query the database, show any in-process or completed forms and reports and even email the users. It can also be use to delete and hold instances

Global activities can start a project instance and automatically process
  • process batch reports
  • download a set of files at a schedules time.
  • listen for an specific event in the process.
  • listen to a port.
  • check for specific events, such as a mouse-click or a broken connection error in a remote component.
  • invoke a component or application to create new process instances.
The task of a Global Interactive activity can have the following implementation types:
  • Method
  • Screen-flow
  • Show Workload
  • Show Dashboard
  • Edit Business Rules
Implementation types can be Method,Component, Screen-flow, Show Process Image, Display Instance, Variables (only if the property Use activity instance for presentation is selected) 
 The following is a demonstration of adding a global activity to show a form that is being completed, we have a project running. We added a new role swimlane and added a global interactive activity called ViewForm in it.

Add Global Interactive activity
We will give global activity the access in the properties as below:

Global Interactive Properties

 From the Global Interactive Main Task we select the implementation type as required in my case its screenflow with read only access.

Main Task
Add an interactive component call inside the screen-flow and the setting in the picture below can be used to display the form. As the screen flow is read-only no changes will be allowed on it. Its primary purpose is to be viewed by user with the role assigned at any stage of the process.

Presentation to be viewed
The following pic shows how Global Interactive Activity is visible to the end user. Under the select action -> under the Applications Heading.

Workspace showing Global Interactive Activity
Hope Global Interactive Activity is clear if there is any query or suggestion, please comment. 
I will give feedback asap

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your article. I was trying to create an instance using Global Automatic activity. I have done the configuration and also written the java code to create the process instance. Its creates the instance for the process but its not setting the arguments passed for the process instance created.
    My code:
    logMessage("In Auto trigger process:: ", severity:Severity.INFO);


    reportArg.comments = "Hi Test World";
    reportArg.description = "Hi Test World";

    argsIn["report"] = reportArg;
    //argsIn["comments"] = "Hi Test World";

    result = ProcessInstance.create(arguments : argsIn, argumentsSetName : "BeginIn");

    //result = ProcessInstance.create();

    logMessage("resul******************** " + result, severity:Severity.INFO);
    logMessage("report.comments****************** " +report.comments, severity:Severity.INFO);
    }catch(Exception ex){

    logMessage("SCould not create the process instance." + ex.message + ex.stackTrace , severity : Severity.SEVERE);


    Please suggest if anything wrong in above code.
    reportArg is the local bpmobject used to set its attributes.
    report is an instance variable of type bpmobject which is used in the presentation.

